Scholastic Hosts United States of Readers Literacy Event in Revere with Renowned Children’s Author Jerry Pallotta Program launch, provides book choice and access for 10,000 Title I students in Revere and beyond
Check Out Our Hispanic Heritage Month Program on RevereTV! Watch a roundtable discussion, dance performances, cooking, and more.
Cultural Proficiency Discussion for All Middle School Caregivers Join us in welcoming Dr. Kalise Wornum as we discuss cultural proficiency. Dr. Wornum will provide one-hour cultural proficiency training for caregivers of middle school students during this month's Coffee Hour at the Garfield Middle School!
Dr. Kalise Wornum, RPS Families Discuss Becoming Culturally Proficient Workshop Focuses on Equity and Inclusion Best Practices
Join Us for A Cultural Proficiency Training for Middle School Caregivers! Dr. Wornum will provide one-hour cultural proficiency training
Check Out Photos From Our Dress Code Exchange and Backpack Donation Event A Special Thank You to the City of Revere, El Concillo Latino de Massachusetts, Inc., Amazon, and the Revere Arabic Community!