Susan B. Anthony Middle School Home

Personal Responsibility + Imagination + Determination = Excellence

Recent News


Watch Our Juneteenth Celebration on RevereTV

RPS is commemorating Juneteenth with this film that follows Revere High School students on a recent trip to the Rumney Marsh Burial Ground with their teachers, Mr. DiMarino and Ms. Maniscalco. Jeff Pearlman, an adjunct professor at Salem State University and retired educator from Revere Public Schools, led the Burial Ground tour and roundtable discussion back at the High School.

Upcoming Events

Principal's Message

Welcome to our school!
It is with great enthusiasm that I welcome all of our returning and incoming students to the Susan B. Anthony Middle School. Our mission is to have our students develop a life-long love and respect for learning, an appreciation for cultural diversity, and the self- esteem and confidence necessary to ensure their success throughout their student careers, lasting well into adulthood.  To guide our students towards this objective, we developed the following acronym:  Personal Responsibility + Imagination + Determination = Excellence, PRIDE.  This concept has served as our school’s mantra, providing students with a principle for achieving success.
I welcome your partnership and participation in our school and I look forward to working with you and your family.  If you need to communicate with us at anytime, please call 781-388-7520 or e-mail [email protected]
Joanne Willett